American Registry Of Pathology (afip)
Elsevier (import)
Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers (panama)
Lippincott/wolters Kluwer Health
Mcgraw-hill education
Thieme Publishers Inc/maple Press
World Health Organization
R$ 110,60
R$ 3.253,88
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head e neck
36 produtos encontrados
Bailey head and neck surgery - Lippincott/wolters Kluwer Health 2024
R$ 3.253,88 em 12x de R$ 271,16 sem juros
ou R$ 3.253,88
no PixSelf-assessment in head and neck surgery and oncology - ELSEVIER (IMPORT)
R$ 706,59 em 10x de R$ 70,66 sem juros
ou R$ 706,59
no PixAtlas of head neck and spine normal imaging variants
R$ 1.667,18 em 12x de R$ 138,93 sem juros
ou R$ 1.667,18
no PixComplications in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery - THIEME MEDICAL PUBLISHERS/MAPLE PRESS
R$ 326,04 em 4x de R$ 81,51 sem juros
ou R$ 326,04
no PixOtolaryngology--head and neck surgery - Thieme Publishers Inc/maple Press
R$ 766,79 em 10x de R$ 76,68 sem juros
ou R$ 766,79
no PixSurgical tech in otolaryng head and neck surg: facial plastic reconst surg - Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers (panama)
R$ 1.400,49 em 12x de R$ 116,71 sem juros
ou R$ 1.400,49
no PixCurrent diagnosis & treatment otolaryngology head and neck surgery - Mcgraw Hill Education
R$ 568,09 em 8x de R$ 71,01 sem juros
ou R$ 568,09
no PixAtlas of head and neck imaging - THIEME MEDICAL PUBLISHERS/MAPLE PRESS
R$ 930,90 em 12x de R$ 77,58 sem juros
ou R$ 930,90
no PixMaster techniques in otolaryngology- head and neck surg v.2 thyroid, parat - LIPPINCOTT/WOLTERS KLUWER HEALTH
R$ 1.205,04 em 12x de R$ 100,42 sem juros
ou R$ 1.205,04
no PixReconstruction of the head and neck - Thieme Publishers Inc/maple Press
R$ 821,57 em 11x de R$ 74,69 sem juros
ou R$ 821,57
no PixAtlas of instruments in otolaryngology head e neck surgery - JAYPEE
R$ 132,00
R$ 110,60
no PixHead and neck radiology, 2 vols. - LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS
R$ 2.147,50
R$ 1.705,00 em 12x de R$ 142,08 sem juros
ou R$ 1.705,00
no PixBailey head and neck surgery orl review - LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS
R$ 260,00
R$ 185,00 em 2x de R$ 92,50 sem juros
ou R$ 185,00
no PixPathology and genetics of head and neck tumours - world health organization
R$ 878,71 em 12x de R$ 73,23 sem juros
ou R$ 878,71
no PixWho classification of head and neck tumours
R$ 972,34 em 12x de R$ 81,03 sem juros
ou R$ 972,34
no PixHead and Neck Imaging: A Teaching File - LWW
R$ 1.020,00 em 10x de R$ 102,00 sem juros
ou R$ 1.020,00
no PixEarly diagnosis and treatment of cancer - head and neck cancers - ELSEVIER (IMPORT)
R$ 660,00
R$ 639,54 em 9x de R$ 71,06 sem juros
ou R$ 639,54
no PixHead e neck surgery- otolaryngology - 2 vols 4th ed
R$ 3.016,30
R$ 2.113,91 em 12x de R$ 176,16 sem juros
ou R$ 2.113,91
no PixOperative techniques in head and neck reconstructive surgery
R$ 1.577,46 em 12x de R$ 131,46 sem juros
ou R$ 1.577,46
no PixMaster tech otolaryngology -facial plast surg head and neck
R$ 1.577,46 em 12x de R$ 131,46 sem juros
ou R$ 1.577,46
no PixMcminns color atlas of head and neck anatomy - Elsevier (import)
R$ 454,36 em 6x de R$ 75,73 sem juros
ou R$ 454,36
no PixIllustrated anatomy of the head and neck - Elsevier (import)
R$ 487,22 em 6x de R$ 81,20 sem juros
ou R$ 487,22
no PixEssential otolaryngology: head and neck surgery - Mcgraw Hill Education
R$ 631,21 em 9x de R$ 70,13 sem juros
ou R$ 631,21
no PixRecent advances in otolaryngology head e neck surgery - JAYPEE
R$ 178,20
R$ 147,56 em 2x de R$ 73,78 sem juros
ou R$ 147,56
no PixDiagnostic surgical pathology of the head and neck - Elsevier (import)
R$ 2.568,93 em 12x de R$ 214,08 sem juros
ou R$ 2.568,93
no PixSurgical tech in otolaryng head & neck surg: pediatric otolaryng - Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers (panama)
R$ 222,30 em 3x de R$ 74,10 sem juros
ou R$ 222,30
no PixHead and neck surgery - Thieme Publishers Inc/maple Press
R$ 489,06 em 6x de R$ 81,51 sem juros
ou R$ 489,06
no PixRecent advances in otolaryngology head e neck surgery - JAYPEE
R$ 178,20
R$ 147,56 em 2x de R$ 73,78 sem juros
ou R$ 147,56
no PixCare of head and neck cancer patients for dental hygienists and dental ther - John Wiley & Sons Inc
R$ 928,84 em 12x de R$ 77,40 sem juros
ou R$ 928,84
no PixA multidisciplinary approach to head and neck neoplasms - Thieme Publishers Inc/maple Press
R$ 712,02 em 10x de R$ 71,20 sem juros
ou R$ 712,02
no PixNon-neoplastic diseases of the head and neck
R$ 1.327,13 em 12x de R$ 110,59 sem juros
ou R$ 1.327,13
no PixAtlas of head and neck pathology
R$ 2.354,33 em 12x de R$ 196,19 sem juros
ou R$ 2.354,33
no PixImage-based case studies in ent and head e neck surgery - JAYPEE
R$ 178,20
R$ 147,56 em 2x de R$ 73,78 sem juros
ou R$ 147,56
no PixClinical atlas of ent and head e neck diseases - includes interactive dvd-r - JAYPEE
R$ 237,60
R$ 195,08 em 2x de R$ 97,54 sem juros
ou R$ 195,08
no PixHead and neck reconstruction - (contains dvd-rom) - W.B. SAUNDERS
R$ 669,00
R$ 411,00 em 5x de R$ 82,20 sem juros
ou R$ 411,00
no PixAnatomy of the head and neck for dental and medical students - ANE BOOKS PVT. LTD.
R$ 137,00
no Pix
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